Tuesday, September 29, 2009


*You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another strange
rWell it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out*

Ignorance from Paramore. I'm so addicted to their new album.. Especially with their lyrics which is speaking straight to me. or i can relate to it? hmm..
I don't know why but they're so many things running up in my mind now.
how i wish for this to end.
God please be here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A great weekend!

Last Saturday, I went to the Cheonan 2009 Well-Being Food Expo which was held somewhere in Cheonan. It took me about 45 minutes to reach that place. Yeah I was suppose to pay for this ticket but my kind roommate gave me this ticket because he couldn't make it on Saturday. I went there with 3 other Chinese students. And the funniest part is i was suppose to be the tour guide of the day because among the 4 of us, I was the only one that knew the mose Korean.. T.T stress betul!

But it was a fun day. Do not be decieved by the event title ok? When i 1st saw it i was expecting to see all the health food being promoted. But i guess i was wrong.. haha.. ok enough said, time for the pictures to do the talking!

6000WON = +-RM16-17?

I have no idea what plant is this so dont' bother asking me k?

Chilies in Korea are super duper big, but it ain't spicy at all..


The 3 Chinese Students.. haha..

Our lunch for the day! (Before it was cooked)

This guy is super duper lame. U must be here to see it! Dressed up as a lady and singing those olden days Korean songs while selling food. LOL!

This is the final result of my lunch! Grilled PORK!

Super duper yummy egg with squid, chillies, vege, prawn and some other stuffs..

There were many mascots during the day which was walking around in different parts of the place.

Looks real eh?

The ancient emporer's dining table. Look at the amount of side dishes.

Mommy i wanted to bring the ducks back home but sadly it's not for sale.. :( sorry!

Space food! Food of the future..

Some interesting dummies which explains the lifestlye of Korean during the past. (i think)

Ancient games. Very simillar to the Chinese. (That's what they told me)

Butterflies! xD

It's been a while since i've seen a living chicken running around..

some funny looking plant..

Look closely at the flowers. the shape inside is super chun!

Feel free to write a note to tell that I"M HERE!

So yeah! I think i was there for about 3-4 hours? We went back during 4pm because the weather was super hot and they were already complaining.. haha.. it was definitely a fun weekend. A memorable one for this semester. I will be going down to Seoul tomorrow so let's hope i'll have loads of fun over there!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Family picture.. :)

Hehe this family album was done by my dad.. My dad is so chun eh? can do so chun stuffs de.. haha.. :) thank you dad for always being there for me whenever i needed you. And thank you very much for sending me to overseas to study too. I'll definitely not dissapoint you and mommy. You're the greatest dad ever that God has given me! I pray that God will continue to bless you and also my beloved mommy! And i'm so sorry mommy for almost forgetting your birthday.. Thankfully i remember when u hinted.. ><' haha..

And my beloved brother Ivan Lim Huan-Wen, study hard for yr exams and dont' too stressed up k? trials gonna end d and u can have a short rest. And before u know it you'll be taking SPM and once it's over u can enjoy!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Be thankful everybody!

Today i had one of the most interesting classes i've ever had in my life. For this semester i'm required to learn american english sign language. It was kinda interesting as we're learning with 2 professors. This class really reminded me about how precious and how thankful that God has given me normal life. I really can't imagine if I were not able to listen. I'm gonna do my best for this class.. Hopefully i'm able too.. >< It's really really hard for me because of all the hand gestures and also the facial expression we were suppose to show. But nevertherless i had loads of fun!
Super duper expensive book.. T.T
Prof Laura Frank and Prof. err(oppsie i forgot her name! alamak!)
Prof Laura Frank needed another prof's help to help translate sign language into english so that we'll be able to understand. Thank you for yr hard work!
A-Z, 1-10 and basic gestures..

This is how u write my name! ISAAC! hahahaa...
This class for this semester will definitely be a challenge for me! By God's grace I want to score A for this subject.. xD