Sunday, May 17, 2009

An unexpected God.

God surely works His way which sometimes we do not even understand. I prayed a prayer, I asked God to teach me to control my anger. In fact He did in His own ways. I really didnt' see it coming. Rather than God removing the anger from my heart which i know it is quite impossible, He gave me more trials and challenges which tested me emotionally. For the past few days I've been so consumed with anger, grudge, and hatred because things are not going the way I've expected it to be. The truth indeed hurts and sometimes it sucks, because it may not how I want it to be.

In church today, I was reminded again, that our prayers, there are either answered, not answered or we have to wait until it gets answered. I assumed that God didn't answer my prayer to control my anger. I complained and was so fustrated by all the challenges He has given me that generated more and more of my anger. Thankfully I've learned a lot through the video above and also through the sermon. Who said that a life following Jesus would be easy? Who said it would be easier? In fact, it can be harder too. There are many examples in the Bible where we see Christians leaders suffered so much for Christ. Take for example Stephen in the book of Acts. He was called by God to do beyond what he was supposed to do, which was to give food to the widows. Instead he spread the gospel in Samaria, perform miraculous signs and wonders and proclaimed the name of the Lord. A disciple named Philip went out all the way and spread the Good news even to people who were not of the same culture. Philip even baptised an eunuch( a guy without private parts), which is not allowed in the Jewish culture during that time.

God speaks to us with the help of the Holy Spirit. There are times where i complained so much about why such things should happen. But now I believe that everything happens for a reason. It may not what i wish to see now or in the near future. But it's certainly in the big picture like how God wants it to be.

Daryll, thanks for the verse you've given me yesterday. It really helped me a lot in the situation I'm in now. I really needed that. It's taken from 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. It is written: But he said to me, " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power my rest on me.

My weaknesses has certainly been exposed for the past 2 days. I'm really sorry if i raged my anger at whosoever, whatsoever and for whatever reason. I know i've been releasing a lot to a certain person, u know who you are and i'm terribly sorry. But that's a weakness which i'm trying my very best to work on. It's not gonna be easy but life is a learning process.

I hope this post will somehow manage to speak to some of you out there. Be careful what you pray for. God may answer it in a way you least expected. But remember, God's plan is to prosper you and not to harm you. The whole picture will be revealed in the future to you. God bless.

1 comment:

daryll said...

You da man! You're most welcome. Thank God above =) c'nue to allow Him to mold and characterize you the way He wants you to be ;) you're doing great bro!

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